Data Empowerment
Are you having trouble meeting state targets for all population groups?
- Do you experience barriers in using data to improve student learning?
Is your district's data difficult to understand, use and manage?
Are you having problems bringing data together from multiple systems?
If you answered "Yes" or are unsure, ask TECedge to help you:
- foster district-wide culture of using data to enhance professional practice and improve student learning
- apply methods such as the cycle of inquiry and root cause analysis to inform curricular, instructional, and managerial decisions
- plan and implement an educationally focused data warehouse
- use data analysis and decision support to meet NCLB and AYP requirements
- integrate data from multiple systems
Call today 617-276-6478 or email
info@tecedge.net for more information on TECedge's
Data Informed Leadership Services!
Empower Educational Decision making!